Changelog 3.13.0

This update adds support for dynamic batching of models with multiple materials.


  • Rebuilt BBMOD DLL and BBMOD CLI in Release mode.


Core module:

  • Fixed BBMOD_Material.Mipmapping not working for externally loaded textures.
  • Fixed BBMOD_Material.apply always resetting shader, even when it wasn't necessary. This should slightly increase rendering performance.
  • Data for dynamic batching passed to methods submit, render of BBMOD_Model and BBMOD_DynamicBatch and method BBMOD_RenderQueue.draw_mesh_batched can now also be array of arrays of data. This has the same effect like if you called these methods multiple times with the individual arrays, but it has better performance.
  • Added new function bbmod_array_clone, which creates a shallow clone of an array.
  • Added new function bbmod_array_to_buffer, which writes an array into a buffer.
  • Added new function bbmod_array_from_buffer, which creates an array with values from a buffer.
  • Added new read-only property Frozen to BBMOD_Model, which is set to true when the model is frozen.
  • Added new read-only property Frozen to BBMOD_Mesh, which is set to true when the mesh is frozen.
  • Added new method copy to BBMOD_Model, which deeply copies model's data into another model.
  • Added new method clone to BBMOD_Model, which creates a deep clone of the model.
  • Added new method copy to BBMOD_Node, which deeply copies node's data into another node.
  • Added new method clone to BBMOD_Node, which creates a deep clone of the node.
  • Added new method copy to BBMOD_Mesh, which deeply copies mesh's data into another mesh.
  • Added new method clone to BBMOD_Mesh, which creates a deep clone of the mesh.
  • Added support for models with multiple materials to BBMOD_DynamicBatch.
  • Arguments _model and _size of constructor of BBMOD_DynamicBatch are now optional.
  • Added new method from_model to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, using which you can create the model batch later when _model is not passed to the constructor.
  • Added optional argument _slotsPerInstance to constructor of BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is the number of slots that each instance takes in the data array.
  • Added new read-only property SlotsPerInstance to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is the number of slots that each instance takes in the data array.
  • Added new read-only property BatchLength to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is the total length of batch data array for a single draw call.
  • Added new read-only property Batch to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is the batched version of the model.
  • Added new read-only property InstanceCount to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is the number of instances currently added to the dynamic batch.
  • Added new property DataWriter to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which is a function that writes instance data into the batch data array. It defaults to BBMOD_DynamicBatch.default_fn.
  • Added new method add_instance to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which adds an instance to the dynamic batch.
  • Added new method update_instance to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which updates batch data for given instance.
  • Added new method remove_instance to BBMOD_DynamicBatch, which removes an instance from the dynamic batch.
  • Arguments _materials of method submit and render of BBMOD_DynamicBatch is now optional.
  • Added new optional argument _batchData to methods submit and render of BBMOD_Model, which is data for dynamic batching.
  • Arguments _materials and _fn of method submit_object and render_object of BBMOD_DynamicBatch are now optional.

Particles module:

  • Added optional argument _position to method spawn_particle of BBMOD_ParticleEmitter, which is the position to spawn the particle at. If not specified, it defaults to the particle emitter's position.

Resource manager module:

  • Fixed BBMOD_ResourceManager not remembering loaded materials.
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