Yes! BBMOD is released under the MIT license, which means you can use it for free in both non-commercial and commerical projects.
No, BBMOD already comes with everything you need to use it! BBMOD GUI is only for those who wish to financially support the development of BBMOD and/or wish to use a windowed application instead of command line tools.
BBMOD always targets the latest Monthly release of GameMaker. It does not use any features that are available only in Beta. GameMaker LTS is not supported!
BBMOD is actively developed and tested on Windows and macOS. It's written in pure GML and uses GLSL ES shaders only, so it has the potential to run on all platforms supported by GameMaker, but it is not guaranteed! For example HTML5 specifically is the most problematic one and breaks the most often (by changes on the GM side). Mobile platforms may also not be powerful enough to run BBMOD.
Every BBMOD 3.X
release of BBMOD tries to maintain backwards compatibility as much as possible, but there can be some versions that require extra caution before update (e.g. things becoming deprecated or obsolete). You will always be warned about this in the changelog.
No, BBMOD's sole focus is on rendering. For things like collisions, physics, pathfinding etc. you will need to use other libraries or your own solutions.
No, but it does include premade model files for a plane, cube, sphere, cone, cylinder etc., which you can load and draw transformed as required, like other 3D models.
BBMOD 3 can currently handle low hundreds of static objects and a few tens of animated characters rendered on screen at once. With these limitations, you could either have quite densely populated small levels, or sparsely populated larger worlds. Definitely do not expect to have large open worlds with thousands of objects. For that it's better to use an actual 3D game engine instead of GameMaker.
BBMOD currently implements only physically based rendering. For stylized graphics you will need to create your own shaders and materials. Though cel shading is something we're considering for future releases.
Game worlds that consist of tiles or voxels usually require specialized solutions to make the rendering fast. BBMOD does have a method for rendering of multiple instances of the same model in a single draw call, but it might not be enough in this specific case. If you're going to use BBMOD for tile/voxel based games, you might need to write your own specialized solutions and use BBMOD just for its material system, post-processing effects etc.
BBMOD does not provide anything that would make creating such games easier and might actually get in the way. Using other libraries or custom solutions is highly recommended in this case.
Absolutely! BBMOD is written in a modular fashion and at its absolute minimum it "just" draws textured models. You don't need to include other parts of the library in your project and you don't need to have a 3D camera to display 3D models in GameMaker.
No, BBMOD currently supports only skeletal animations!
BBMOD 3 uses dual quaternions to store animation data, which can only represent position and rotation, therefore it does not support scaling in animations! This is something that we would like to add, but doing it now would break backwards compatibility, so this will not be supported sooner than in BBMOD 4.
BBMOD is released under the MIT license, so technically you should include its full license text in your game's credits, be we won't bite you if you just say you're "using BBMOD by BlueBurn" 😊 You can find the whole license text here on GitHub.
Yes, here are the two variations that you are free to use in your game's credits. Please note that the logo is property of BlueBurn and you're not allowed to do any modifications to it! Only uniform scaling is allowed, to change the logo size as required.
Absolutely! If you have a finished game or you're currently developing a game using BBMOD, that you'd like to showcase here, please join our Discord server and let us know!
We really appreciate you'd like to help us develop BBMOD further! If you find a bug that you're able to fix, feel free to open a pull request on GitHub. Please make sure you're following BBMOD's coding standards if you do. Other than that, we currently don't have any tasks that people outside of BlueBurn could work on.
PushEd 2 currently does not support BBMOD! When it's ready and released, we will let you know here on this website and on our Discord server.