This release adds more model import settings (like "Convert to Z-up" for example), improves viewport controls (WSAD keys) and adds a new File Browser panel, using which you can traverse directories and load/import files.
Updated BBMOD to 3.20.1.
Changed viewport controls to keys WASDEQ for moving around and RMB to enable mouselook. Mouse wheel moves you forward or backward in the direction you are looking.
Added a new options bar below Viewport, where you can configure the camera's position, speed, field of view and exposure.
Added new model import option "Convert to Z-up", which converts the model from Y-up space to Z-up space. This is an experimental feature and may not always work properly!
Added new model import option "Apply scale".
Added automatic save and load of model import settings, so they are remembered throughout sessions.
Added 3D grid with configurable size. Can be turned on/off.
Added new warning, displayed when imported model cannot be displayed because it has vertex format incompatible with default shaders.
Added a new File Browser panel below the Material Editor, which can be used to import models (all supported file formats), load existing BBMOD & BBANIM files, as well as add textures (PNG, JPG, JPEG) into the Material Editor. When a texture is added, it automatically tries to connect to a material node, based on the file name (experimental feature).