Managing resources
So far in this "getting started" tutorial series, we have been storing loaded resources into a global struct. This was just for simplicity and you can keep this approach if you like, but BBMOD comes with a resource manager, that keeps track of loaded resources, frees loaded resources and also supports asynchronnous loading (which is required on the HTML5 platform). In this tutorial, we are going to have a look at how to use the resource manager.
- Adding a resource manager
- Loading resources
- Releasing resources
- Freeing all resources
- Persistent resources
- Adding custom resources
Adding a resource manager
BBMOD comes with a pre-created resource manager and it can be accessed via the
you would like to make your own one, you can do so by creating a new instance
of BBMOD_ResourceManager
(e.g. manager = new BBMOD_ResourceManager()
). In this tutorial we are going to
use the macro.
To make the resource manager work properly, we need to call its methods async_image_loaded_update and async_save_load_update in appropriate events:
/// @desc Async - Image Loaded event
/// @desc Async - Save/Load event
Simply add the code above into one of your objects that is present in all rooms that require resource loading.
Loading resource
With our resource manager ready, we can start loading resources. To do so, use
the load method. This method
takes the path to the resource to be loaded as the first argument and optionally
its expected SHA1 (loading will fail if the actual SHA1 does not match) and a
callback function that is executed only once when the resource is first loaded.
If you do not wish to do a SHA1 check, you can either set the argument to
or simply ommit it and provide the callback function as the second
/// @desc Create event
model = BBMOD_RESOURCE_MANAGER.load("Data/Rock.bbmod", function (_error, _model) {
if (_error)
// TODO: Loading failed! Handle error...
// Here you can for example freeze the model after it's loaded
If given resource is already loaded, then the load
method simply increases
its reference counter and returns the resource. This means you can for example
call the code above in the create event of all instances of a rock object and
only the first one will actually load it and others will simply share the same
Note: In the code above the model is not loaded until the callback function is called! You can check whether a resource is loaded using its IsLoaded property. It is possible to create an animation player for a model that is not loaded yet, or call its submit method; or play an animation that has not been loaded yet.
While there are any resources left to be loaded, the manager's
Loading is set to true
This could be used for example to make a loading screen at the start of the
Releasing resources
When you are done using a resource, you can call its method free to release it. This decreses its reference counter and when it reaches 0, the resource is freed from memory.
/// @desc Clean Up event;
model = undefined;
Freeing all resources
Sometimes it can be useful to free all loaded resources, for example when going from one room to another. To do this, simply call the manager's method clear:
/// @desc Room End event
Persistent resources
It is also possible to make a resource persistent, in which case free
does not
decrease its resource counter, and therefore it is not destroyed. To make a
resource persistent, simply set its property
Persistent to true
model.Persistent = true;
Adding custom resources
The last thing worth mentioning about resource managers is that you can also
add custom resources to them, without using the load
method. To do so, you
can use function add method,
which takes a unique name of the resource and an instance of a
BBMOD_Resource. To check if a resource
manager has a resource with given name, use the method
has. To get a resource with
given name (and increase its reference counter), use the method
get. There is also a combination
of add and get operations available under the
get_or_add method. This
method takes a unique name and a callback function that creates and returns the
resource if it is not present in the resource manager:
material = resourceManager.get_or_add("material", function () {
var _mat = BBMOD_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.clone();
_mat.BaseOpacity = sprite_get_texture(SprBaseOpacity, 0);
return _mat;