
An enum defined in __gmbullet.gml


Enum representing flags for the 6 degrees of freedom constraint (version 2).


Name Description
BT_6DOF_FLAGS_CFM_STOP2 Flag indicating Constraint Force Mixing (CFM) for stopping constraint (version 2).
BT_6DOF_FLAGS_ERP_STOP2 Flag indicating Error Reduction Parameter (ERP) for stopping constraint (version 2).
BT_6DOF_FLAGS_CFM_MOTO2 Flag indicating Constraint Force Mixing (CFM) for motor constraint (version 2).
BT_6DOF_FLAGS_ERP_MOTO2 Flag indicating Error Reduction Parameter (ERP) for motor constraint (version 2).
BT_6DOF_FLAGS_USE_INFINITE_ERROR Flag indicating the use of infinite error in the constraint (version 2).

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