
A function defined in GMBullet.yy

btTranslationalLimitMotor_solveLinearAxis(translationalLimitMotor, timeStep, jacDiagABInv, body1, pointInA, body2, pointInB, limitIndex, axisNormalOnA, anchorPos)


Solves the linear axis for the translational limit motor.


Name Type Description
translationalLimitMotor Pointer The pointer to the translational limit motor.
timeStep Real The time step for the simulation.
jacDiagABInv Real The inverse diagonal coefficient of the constraint jacobi matrix.
body1 Pointer The pointer to the first rigid body involved in the constraint.
pointInA Pointer The pointer to the point of constraint application on body1 in local space.
body2 Pointer The pointer to the second rigid body involved in the constraint.
pointInB Pointer The pointer to the point of constraint application on body2 in local space.
limitIndex Real The index specifying the limit.
axisNormalOnA Pointer The pointer to the axis normal on body1 in local space.
anchorPos Pointer The pointer to the anchor position.


Real The result of solving the linear axis.

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