
A function defined in GMBullet.yy

btHeightfieldTerrainShape_createS16(heightStickWidth, heightStickLength, heightfieldData, heightScale, minHeight, maxHeight, upAxis, flipQuadEdges)


Creates a heightfield terrain shape using 16-bit integer height data.


Name Type Description
heightStickWidth Real The width of each height stick in the heightfield.
heightStickLength Real The length of each height stick in the heightfield.
heightfieldData Id.Buffer A buffer with 16-bit integer height data.
heightScale Real The scale factor to apply to the height values.
minHeight Real The minimum height value in the heightfield.
maxHeight Real The maximum height value in the heightfield.
upAxis Real The axis indicating the "up" direction (0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z).
flipQuadEdges Bool Set to true to flip quad edges.


Pointer A pointer to the created btHeightfieldTerrainShape.

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