
A function defined in GMBullet.yy

btGeneric6DofConstraint_create2(rigidBodyA, rigidBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA)


Creates a btGeneric6DofConstraint using two rigid bodies and their respective frames for the constraint.


Name Type Description
rigidBodyA Pointer The pointer to the first rigid body involved in the constraint.
rigidBodyB Pointer The pointer to the second rigid body involved in the constraint.
frameInA Pointer The transform frame associated with the first rigid body (btTransform type).
frameInB Pointer The transform frame associated with the second rigid body (btTransform type).
useLinearReferenceFrameA Bool A boolean indicating whether to use the linear reference frame for the first rigid body.


Pointer The pointer to the created btGeneric6DofConstraint.

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