
A function defined in GMBullet.yy

btHingeConstraint_create2(rigidBodyA, rigidBodyB, pivotInA, pivotInB, axisInA, axisInB[, useReferenceFrameA])


Creates a btHingeConstraint between two rigid bodies using specified pivot points and axes in their local spaces.


Name Type Description
rigidBodyA Pointer The pointer to the first btRigidBody participating in the constraint.
rigidBodyB Pointer The pointer to the second btRigidBody participating in the constraint.
pivotInA Pointer The pointer to the pivot point in the local space of the first rigid body (btVector3).
pivotInB Pointer The pointer to the pivot point in the local space of the second rigid body (btVector3).
axisInA Pointer The pointer to the axis in the local space of the first rigid body (btVector3).
axisInB Pointer The pointer to the axis in the local space of the second rigid body (btVector3).
useReferenceFrameA Bool Indicates whether to use the reference frame of the first rigid body for the constraint. Default is false.


Pointer Returns a pointer to the created btHingeConstraint.

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