
A function defined in GMBullet.yy

btPoint2PointConstraint_create1XYZ(rigidBodyA, pivotInAX, pivotInAY, pivotInAZ)


Creates a btPoint2PointConstraint between a rigid body and a pivot point specified by coordinates in the local coordinate system of the rigid body.


Name Type Description
rigidBodyA Pointer The pointer to the btRigidBody that the constraint is attached to.
pivotInAX Real The x-coordinate of the pivot point in the local coordinate system of rigidBodyA.
pivotInAY Real The y-coordinate of the pivot point in the local coordinate system of rigidBodyA.
pivotInAZ Real The z-coordinate of the pivot point in the local coordinate system of rigidBodyA.


Pointer A pointer to the created btPoint2PointConstraint.

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