A constructor defined in BBMOD_AABBCollider.gml

Extends BBMOD_Collider

new BBMOD_AABBCollider([_position[, _size]])


An axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) collider.


Name Type Description
_position Struct.BBMOD_Vec3 The position (center) of the AABB. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
_size Struct.BBMOD_Vec3 The size of the AABB on each axis in both directions (e.g. new BBMOD_Vec3(2) would make a 4x4x4 box). Defaults to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5).


Name Description
Position The center position of the AABB.
Size The size of the AABB on each axis in both directions (e.g. new BBMOD_Vec3(2) would be a 4x4x4 box).


Name Description
FromMinMax Initializes the AABB using its minimum and maximum coordinates.
GetMax Retrieves the maximum coordinate of the AABB.
GetMin Retrieves the minimum coordinate of the AABB.

Inherited methods

Name Description
DrawDebug Draws a debug preview of the collider.
GetClosestPoint Retrieves a point on the surface of the collider that is closest to the point specified.
Raycast Casts a ray against the collider.
TestAABB Tests whether the collider intersects with an AABB.
TestFrustum Tests whether the collider intersects with a frustum.
TestPlane Tests whether the collider intersects with a plane.
TestPoint Tests whether the collider intersects with a point.
TestSphere Tests whether the collider intersects with a sphere.

See also

BBMOD_FrustumCollider, BBMOD_PlaneCollider, BBMOD_SphereCollider

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