An enum defined in BBMOD_ERenderCommand.gml
Enumeration of all possible render commands.
Name | Description |
ApplyMaterial | Applies a material if it has a shader that can be used in the current render pass. |
ApplyMaterialProps | Applies a material property block. |
BeginConditionalBlock | Marks the beginning of a conditional block. Commands within this block are executed only if the last command was successfully executed. |
CallFunction | Executes a custom function. |
CheckRenderPass | Checks if the current render pass is one of specified passes. |
DrawMesh | Draws a mesh if its material can be used in the current render pass. |
DrawMeshAnimated | Draws an animated mesh if its material can be used in the current render pass. |
DrawMeshBatched | Draws a dynamically batched mesh if its material can be used in the current render pass. |
DrawSprite | Draws a sprites using the draw_sprite function. |
DrawSpriteExt | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_ext function. |
DrawSpriteGeneral | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_general function. |
DrawSpritePart | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_part function. |
DrawSpritePartExt | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_part_ext function. |
DrawSpritePos | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_pos function. |
DrawSpriteStretched | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_stretched function. |
DrawSpriteStretchedExt | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_stretched_ext function. |
DrawSpriteTiled | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_tiled function. |
DrawSpriteTiledExt | Draws a sprite using the draw_sprite_tiled_ext function. |
EndConditionalBlock | Marks the end of a conditional block. |
PopGpuState | Pops the GPU state. |
PushGpuState | Pushes the GPU state. |
ResetMaterial | Resets material. |
ResetMaterialProps | Resets current material property block. |
ResetShader | Resets shader. |
SetGpuAlphaTestEnable | Enables/disables alpha testing. |
SetGpuAlphaTestRef | Configures the alpha testing threshold value. |
SetGpuBlendEnable | Enables/disables alpha blending. |
SetGpuBlendMode | Sets a blend mode. |
SetGpuBlendModeExt | Sets source and destination blend modes. |
SetGpuBlendModeExtSepAlpha | Sets source and destination blend modes with separate blend modes for the alpha channel. |
SetGpuColorWriteEnable | Enables/disables writing into individual color channels. |
SetGpuCullMode | Sets the culling mode. |
SetGpuDepth | Sets the z coordinate at which are sprites and text drawn. |
SetGpuFog | Configures fog. |
SetGpuState | Sets the GPU state. |
SetGpuTexFilter | Enables/disables texture filtering. |
SetGpuTexFilterExt | Enables/disables texture filtering for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMaxAniso | Sets maximum anisotropy. |
SetGpuTexMaxAnisoExt | Sets maximum anisotropy for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMaxMip | Sets maximum mipmap level. |
SetGpuTexMaxMipExt | Sets maximum mipmap level for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMinMip | Sets miminum mipmap level. |
SetGpuTexMinMipExt | Sets miminum mipmap level for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMipBias | Sets mipmapping bias. |
SetGpuTexMipBiasExt | Sets mipmapping bias for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMipEnable | Enables/disables mipmapping. |
SetGpuTexMipEnableExt | Enables/disables mipmapping for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexMipFilter | Sets mipmap filter function. |
SetGpuTexMipFilterExt | Sets mipmap filter function for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuTexRepeat | Enables/disables texture repeat. |
SetGpuTexRepeatExt | Enables/disables texture repeat for a specific sampler. |
SetGpuZFunc | Sets the depth buffer test function. |
SetGpuZTestEnable | Enables/disables testing against the depth buffer. |
SetGpuZWriteEnable | Enables/disables writing to the depth buffer. |
SetMaterialProps | Sets current material property block. |
SetProjectionMatrix | Sets the projection matrix. |
SetSampler | Sets a shader texture sampler. |
SetShader | Sets a shader. |
SetUniformFloat | Sets a float shader uniform. |
SetUniformFloat2 | Sets a float2 shader uniform. |
SetUniformFloat3 | Sets a float3 shader uniform. |
SetUniformFloat4 | Sets a float4 shader uniform. |
SetUniformFloatArray | Sets a float array shader uniform. |
SetUniformInt | Sets an int shader uniform. |
SetUniformInt2 | Sets an int2 shader uniform. |
SetUniformInt3 | Sets an int3 shader uniform. |
SetUniformInt4 | Sets an int4 shader uniform. |
SetUniformIntArray | Sets an int array shader uniform. |
SetUniformMatrix | Sets a matrix shader uniform. |
SetUniformMatrixArray | Sets a matrix array shader uniform. |
SetViewMatrix | Sets the view matrix. |
SetWorldMatrix | Sets the world matrix. |
SubmitRenderQueue | Submits another render queue. |
SubmitVertexBuffer | Submits a vertex buffer. |
Copyright © 2025, BlueBurn. Built on January 04, 2025 using GMDoc.