A variable defined in BBMOD_Vertex.gml
new BBMOD_Vertex(_vertexFormat)
Name | Type | Description |
_vertexFormat | Struct.BBMOD_VertexFormat |
The format of the vertex. This drives which properties of the vertex should be defined. |
Name | Description |
Bones | The bone IDs of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have bones. |
Color | The ARGB color of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have colors. |
Id | The ID of the model in a dynamic batch or undefined if the vertex format does not have IDs. |
Normal | The normal vector of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have normals. |
Position | The 3D position of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have positions. |
TangentW | The tangent vector & bitangent sign of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have tangents & bitangents. |
TextureCoord | The texture coordinates of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have texture coordinates. |
VertexFormat | The vertex format. This drives which properties of the vertex should be defined. |
Weights | The bone weights of the vertex or undefined if the vertex format does not have bones. |
Name | Description |
to_vertex_buffer | Adds the vertex to the vertex buffer. |
Following code shows how the constructor fills in the vertex properties to default values if they are enabled in the vertex format.
var _vformat = new BBMOD_VertexFormat(true);
var _vertex = new BBMOD_Vertex(_vformat);
show_debug_message(_vertex.Normal); // Prints undefined
var _vformatWithNormals = new BBMOD_VertexFormat(true, true);
var _vertexWithNormal = new BBMOD_Vertex(_vformatWithNormals);
show_debug_message(_vertex.Normal); // Prints array [0, 0, 0]
Copyright © 2025, BlueBurn. Built on January 04, 2025 using GMDoc.