
A constructor defined in BBMOD_SunShaftsEffect.gml

Extends BBMOD_PostProcessEffect

new BBMOD_SunShaftsEffect([_lightDir[, _radius[, _color[, _blurSize[, _blurStep[, _blendMode[, _lensDirtStrength]]]]]]])


Sun shafts (post-processing effect).


Name Type Description
_lightDir Struct.BBMOD_Vec3 The direction in which the light is coming. Defaults to (-1, 0, -1) if undefined.
_radius Real The size of the sun, relative to the screen size (i.e. 1 is the full screen, 0.5 is the half of the screen etc.). Defaults to 0.1.
_color Struct.BBMOD_Color Controls the color and the intensity (via alpha) of the effect. Defaults to BBMOD_C_WHITE if undefined.
_blurSize Real The size of the blur. Defaults to 100.
_blurStep Real Used to control the quality of the effect. Use values greater than 0 and smaller than 1. The smaller the value, the higher the quality. Defaults to 0.01 (high quality).0
_blendMode Constant.BlendMode The blend mode used to combine the sun shafts with the scene. Good options are bm_add (default) and bm_max.
_lensDirtStrength Real Modules the strength of the lens dirt effect when applied to sun shafts. Defaults to 1.


Name Description
BlendMode The blend mode used to combine the sun shafts with the scene. Good options are bm_add (default) and bm_max.
BlurSize The size of the blur. Default value is 100.
BlurStep Used to control the quality of the effect. Use values greater than 0 and smaller than 1. The smaller the value, the higher the quality. Default value is 0.01 (high quality).
Color Controls the color and the intensity (via alpha) of the effect. Default value is BBMOD_C_WHITE.
LensDirtStrength Modules the strength of the lens dirt effect when applied to sun shafts. Default value is 1.
LightDirection The direction in which the light is coming. Default value is (-1, 0, -1).
Radius The size of the sun, relative to the screen size (i.e. 1 is the full screen, 0.5 is the half of the screen etc.). Default value is 0.1.

Inherited properties

Name Description
Enabled If true then the effect is enabled. Default value is true.
PostProcessor The post-processor to which is this effect added or undefined.

Inherited methods

Name Description
destroy Frees memory used by the struct.
draw Applies the effect to given surface.

See also


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