
A constructor defined in BBMOD_Quaternion.gml

new BBMOD_Quaternion([_x, _y, _z, _w])


A quaternion.


Name Type Description
_x Real The first component of the quaternion. Defaults to 0.
_y Real The second component of the quaternion. Defaults to 0.
_z Real The third component of the quaternion. Defaults to 0.
_w Real The fourth component of the quaternion. Defaults to 1.


Name Description
W The fourth component of the quaternion.
X The first component of the quaternion.
Y The second component of the quaternion.
Z The third component of the quaternion.


Name Description
Add Adds quaternions and returns the result as a new quaternion.
AddSelf Adds quaternions and stores the result into self.
Clone Creates a clone of the quaternion.
Conjugate Conjugates the quaternion and returns the result as a quaternion.
ConjugateSelf Conjugates the quaternion and stores the result into self.
Copy Copies components of the quaternion into other quaternion.
Dot Computes a dot product of two dual quaternions.
Exp Computes an exponential map of the quaternion and returns the result as a new quaternion.
ExpSelf Computes an exponential map of the quaternion and stores the result into self.
FromArray Loads quaternion components (x, y, z, w) from an array.
FromAxisAngle Initializes the quaternion using an axis and an angle.
FromBuffer Loads quaternion components (x, y, z, w) from a buffer.
FromEuler Initializes the quaternion using euler angles.
FromLookRotation Initializes the quaternion using a forward and an up vector. These vectors must not be parallel! If they are, the quaternion will be set to an identity.
GetAngle Retrieves the rotation angle of the quaternion.
GetAxis Retrieves the axis of rotation of the quaternion.
Inverse Computes an inverse of the quaternion and returns the result as a new quaternion.
InverseSelf Computes an inverse of the quaternion and stores the result into self.
Length Computes the length of the quaternion.
LengthSqr Computes a squared length of the quaternion.
Lerp Computes a linear interpolation of two quaternions and returns the result as a new quaternion.
LerpSelf Computes a linear interpolation of two quaternions and stores the result into self.
Log Computes the logarithm map of the quaternion and returns the result as a new quaternion.
LogSelf Computes the logarithm map of the quaternion and stores the result into self.
Mul Multiplies two quaternions and returns the result as a new quaternion.
MulSelf Multiplies two quaternions and stores the result into self.
Normalize Normalizes the quaternion and returns the result as a new quaternion.
NormalizeSelf Normalizes the quaternion and stores the result into self.
Rotate Rotates a vector using the quaternion and returns the result as a new vector.
RotateOther Rotates a vector using the quaternion and stores the result into the vector.
Scale Scales each component of the quaternion by a real value and returns the result as a new quaternion.
ScaleSelf Scales each component of the quaternion by a real value and stores the result into self.
Slerp Computes a spherical linear interpolation of two quaternions and returns the result as a new quaternion.
SlerpSelf Computes a spherical linear interpolation of two quaternions and stores the result into self.
ToArray Writes components (x, y, z, w) of the quaternion into an array.
ToBuffer Writes the quaternion into a buffer.
ToMatrix Converts quaternion into a matrix.


If you leave the arguments to their default values, then an identity quaternion is created.

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