A constructor defined in BBMOD_State.gml

new BBMOD_State(_name)


A state of a state machine.


Name Type Description
_name String The name of the state.


Name Description
IsActive If true then the state is currently active.
Name The name of the state.
OnEnter A function executed when a state machines enters this state. Should take the state as the first argument. Default value is undefined.
OnExit A function executed when a state machine exists this state. Should take the state as the first argument. Default value is undefined.
OnUpdate A function executed while the state is active. Should take the state as the first argument and delta time as the second. Default value is undefined.
StateMachine The state machine to which this state belongs or undefined.


Name Description
get_duration Retrieves how long (in milliseconds) has the state been active for.

Child structs


See also


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