A constructor defined in BBMOD_Gizmo.gml
Implements BBMOD_IDestructible
new BBMOD_Gizmo([_size])
A gizmo for transforming instances.
Name | Type | Description |
_size | Real |
The size of the gizmo. Default value is 10 units. |
Name | Description |
AngleSnap | Angle snapping size. Default value is 1. |
ButtonDrag | The mouse button used for dragging the gizmo. Default is mb_left . |
EditAxis | Determines on which axes are the selected instances edited. Use values from BBMOD_EEditAxis. |
EditSpace | Determines the space in which are the selected instances transformed. Use values from BBMOD_EEditSpace. |
EditType | Determines how are the selected instances transformed (translated/rotated/scaled. Use values from BBMOD_EEditType. |
EnableAngleSnap | Enables angle snapping when rotating objects. Default value is true . |
EnableGridSnap | Enables snapping to grid when moving objects. Default value is true . |
GetInstanceGlobalMatrix | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's global matrix. Normally this is an identity matrix. If the instance is attached to another instance for example, then this will be that instance's transformation matrix. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a BBMOD_Matrix. Defaults to a function that always returns an identity matrix. |
GetInstancePositionX | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's position on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's x variable. |
GetInstancePositionY | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's position on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's y variable. |
GetInstancePositionZ | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's position on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's z variable. |
GetInstanceRotationX | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's rotation on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that always returns 0. |
GetInstanceRotationY | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's rotation on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that always returns 0. |
GetInstanceRotationZ | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's rotation on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's image_angle variable. |
GetInstanceScaleX | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's scale on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's image_xscale variable. |
GetInstanceScaleY | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's scale on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that returns the instance's image_yscale variable. |
GetInstanceScaleZ | A function that the gizmo uses to retrieve an instance's scale on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a real. Defaults to a function that always returns 1. |
GridSize | The size of the grid. Default value is (1, 1, 1) . |
InstanceExists | A function that the gizmo uses to check whether an instance exists. Must take the instance as the first argument and return a bool. Defaults a function that returns the result of instance_exists . |
IsEditing | If true then the gizmo is editing selected instances. |
KeyCancel | The virtual key used to cancel editing and revert changes. Default is vk_escape . |
KeyEditFaster | The virtual key used to increase speed of editing (e.g. rotate objects by a larger angle). Default is vk_shift . |
KeyEditSlower | The virtual key used to decrease speed of editing (e.g. rotate objects by a smaller angle). Default is vk_control . |
KeyIgnoreSnap | The virtual key used to ignore grid and angle snapping when they are enabled. Default is vk_alt . |
KeyNextEditSpace | The virtual key used to switch to the next edit space. Default is vk_space . |
KeyNextEditType | The virtual key used to switch to the next edit type. Default is vk_tab . |
MaterialsSelect | Materials used when mouse-picking the gizmo. |
Models | Gizmo models for individual edit modes. |
Position | The gizmo's position in world-space. |
Rotation | The gizmo's rotation in euler angles. |
Selected | A list of selected instances. |
SetInstancePositionX | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's position on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new position on the X axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new position to the instance's x variable. |
SetInstancePositionY | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's position on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new position on the Y axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new position to the instance's y variable. |
SetInstancePositionZ | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's position on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new position on the Z axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new position to the instance's Z variable. |
SetInstanceRotationX | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's rotation on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new rotation on the X axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that does not do anything. |
SetInstanceRotationY | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's rotation on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new rotation on the Y axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that does not do anything. |
SetInstanceRotationZ | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's rotation on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new rotation on the Z axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new rotation to the instance's image_angle variable. |
SetInstanceScaleX | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's scale on the X axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new scale on the X axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new scale to the instance's image_xscale variable. |
SetInstanceScaleY | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's scale on the Y axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new scale on the Y axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that assings the new scale to the instance's image_yscale variable. |
SetInstanceScaleZ | A function that the gizmo uses to change an instance's scale on the Z axis. Must take the instance as the first argument and its new scale on the Z axis as the second argument. Defaults to a function that does not do anything. |
Size | The size of the gizmo. Default value is 10. |
Name | Description |
clear_selection | Removes all instances from selection. |
destroy | Frees memory used by the struct. |
get_instance_position_vec3 | Retrieves an instance's position as BBMOD_Vec3. |
get_instance_rotation_vec3 | Retrieves an instance's rotation as BBMOD_Vec3. |
get_instance_scale_vec3 | Retrieves an instance's scale as BBMOD_Vec3. |
is_selected | Checks whether an instance is selected. |
render | Enqueues the gizmo for rendering. |
select | Adds an instance to selection. |
set_instance_position_vec3 | Changes an instance's position using a BBMOD_Vec3. |
set_instance_rotation_vec3 | Changes an instance's rotation using a BBMOD_Vec3. |
set_instance_scale_vec3 | Changes an instance's scale using a BBMOD_Vec3. |
submit | Immediately submits the gizmo for rendering. |
toggle_select | Unselects an instance if it's selected, or selects if it isn't. |
unselect | Removes an instance from selection. |
update | Updates the gizmo. Should be called every frame. |
update_position | Updates the gizmo's position, based on its selected instances. |
This requries synchronnous loading of models, therefore it cannot be used on platforms like HTML5, which require asynchronnous loading. You also must use BBMOD_Camera for the gizmo to work properly!
Copyright © 2025, BlueBurn. Built on January 04, 2025 using GMDoc.