
A function defined in __bbmod_fog.gml

bbmod_fog_set(_color, _intensity, _start, _end)


Defines fog properties sent to shaders.


Name Type Description
_color Struct.BBMOD_Color The color of the fog. The default fog color is white.
_intensity Real The intensity of the fog. Use values in range 0..1. The default fog intensity is 0 (no fog).
_start Real The distance from the camera where the fog starts at. The default fog start is 0.
_end Real The distance from the camera where the fog has the maximum intensity. The default fog end is 1.

See also

BBMOD_Color, bbmod_fog_get_color, bbmod_fog_get_end, bbmod_fog_get_intensity, bbmod_fog_get_start, bbmod_fog_set_color, bbmod_fog_set_end, bbmod_fog_set_intensity, bbmod_fog_set_start

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