A constructor defined in BBMOD_Mesh.gml

Implements BBMOD_IDestructible

new BBMOD_Mesh(_vertexFormat[, _model])


A mesh defined by vertex data, its format and the primitive type to use when it's drawn.


Name Type Description
_vertexFormat Struct.BBMOD_VertexFormat The vertex format of the mesh or undefined.
_model Struct.BBMOD_Model The model to which the mesh belongs or undefined.


Name Description
BboxMax The maximum coordinate of the mesh's bounding box. Available since model version 3.1. Can be undefined (default).
BboxMin The minimum coordinate of the mesh's bounding box. Available since model version 3.1. Can be undefined (default).
Frozen If true then the mesh is "frozen", which means it resides in the GPU memory, making it faster to draw, but also unmodifiable.
MaterialIndex An index of a material to use when drawing the mesh (if BBMOD_Mesh.Model is not undefined). Default value is 0.
Model The model to which the mesh belongs or undefined (default).
PrimitiveType The primitive type of the mesh. Default is pr_trianglelist.
VertexBuffer A vertex buffer containing the raw mesh data or undefined (default).
VertexFormat The vertex format of the mesh.


Name Description
clone Creates a clone of the mesh.
copy Copies mesh data into another mesh.
destroy Frees memory used by the struct.
freeze "Freezes" the mesh. This uploads its data to the GPU memory, which makes it draw faster but also makes it unmodifiable.
from_buffer Loads mesh data from a buffer following the BBMOD file format.
render Enqueues the mesh for rendering.
submit Immediately submits the mesh for rendering.
to_buffer Writes mesh data to a buffer following the current version of the BBMOD file format.
update_bbox Updates the mesh's bounding box using data from its vertex buffer, which must not be frozen!
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