ApplyMaterial |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ApplyMaterial command into the queue. |
ApplyMaterialProps |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ApplyMaterialProps command into the queue. |
BeginConditionalBlock |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.BeginConditionalBlock command into the queue. |
CallFunction |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.CallFunction command into the queue. |
CheckRenderPass |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.CheckRenderPass command into the queue. |
DrawMesh |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMesh command into the queue. |
DrawMeshAnimated |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMeshAnimated command into the queue. |
DrawMeshBatched |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMeshBatched command into the queue. |
DrawSprite |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSprite command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteExt command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteGeneral |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteGeneral command into the queue. |
DrawSpritePart |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePart command into the queue. |
DrawSpritePartExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePartExt command into the queue. |
DrawSpritePos |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePos command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteStretched |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteStretched command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteStretchedExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteStretchedExt command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteTiled |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteTiled command into the queue. |
DrawSpriteTiledExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteTiledExt command into the queue. |
EndConditionalBlock |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.EndConditionalBlock command into the queue. |
PopGpuState |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.PopGpuState command into the queue. |
PushGpuState |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.PushGpuState command into the queue. |
ResetMaterial |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetMaterial command into the queue. |
ResetMaterialProps |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetMaterialProps command into the queue. |
ResetShader |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetShader command into the queue. |
SetGpuAlphaTestEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuAlphaTestEnable command into the queue. |
SetGpuAlphaTestRef |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuAlphaTestRef command into the queue. |
SetGpuBlendEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendEnable command into the queue. |
SetGpuBlendMode |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendMode command into the queue. |
SetGpuBlendModeExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendModeExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuBlendModeExtSepAlpha |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendModeExtSepAlpha command into the queue. |
SetGpuColorWriteEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuColorWriteEnable command into the queue. |
SetGpuCullMode |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuCullMode command into the queue. |
SetGpuDepth |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuDepth command into the queue. |
SetGpuFog |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuFog command into the queue. |
SetGpuState |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuState command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexFilter |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexFilter command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexFilterExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexFilterExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMaxAniso |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxAniso command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMaxAnisoExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxAnisoExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMaxMip |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxMip command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMaxMipExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxMipExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMinMip |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMinMip command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMinMipExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMinMipExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipBias |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipBias command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipBiasExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipBiasExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipEnable command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipEnableExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipEnableExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipFilter |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipFilter command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexMipFilterExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipFilterExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexRepeat |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexRepeat command into the queue. |
SetGpuTexRepeatExt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexRepeatExt command into the queue. |
SetGpuZFunc |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZFunc command into the queue. |
SetGpuZTestEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZTestEnable command into the queue. |
SetGpuZWriteEnable |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZWriteEnable command into the queue. |
SetMaterialProps |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetMaterialProps command into the queue. |
SetProjectionMatrix |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetProjectionMatrix command into the queue. |
SetSampler |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetSampler command into the queue. |
SetShader |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetShader command into the queue. |
SetUniformFloat |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat command into the queue. |
SetUniformFloat2 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat2 command into the queue. |
SetUniformFloat3 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat3 command into the queue. |
SetUniformFloat4 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat4 command into the queue. |
SetUniformFloatArray |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloatArray command into the queue. |
SetUniformInt |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt command into the queue. |
SetUniformInt2 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt2 command into the queue. |
SetUniformInt3 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt3 command into the queue. |
SetUniformInt4 |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt4 command into the queue. |
SetUniformIntArray |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformIntArray command into the queue. |
SetUniformMatrix |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformMatrix command into the queue. |
SetUniformMatrixArray |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformMatrixArray command into the queue. |
SetViewMatrix |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetViewMatrix command into the queue. |
SetWorldMatrix |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetWorldMatrix command into the queue. |
SubmitRenderQueue |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SubmitRenderQueue command into the queue. |
SubmitVertexBuffer |
Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SubmitVertexBuffer command into the queue. |
clear |
Clears the render queue. |
destroy |
Frees memory used by the struct. |
has_commands |
Checks whether the render queue has commands for given render pass. |
is_empty |
Checks whether the render queue is empty. |
set_priority |
Changes the priority of the render queue. Render queues with lower priority come first in the array returned by bbmod_render_queues_get. |
submit |
Submits render commands. |