
A constructor defined in BBMOD_RenderQueue.gml

Implements BBMOD_IMeshRenderQueue

new BBMOD_RenderQueue([_name[, _priority]])


A cointainer of render commands.


Name Type Description
_name String The name of the render queue. Defaults to "RenderQueue" + number of created render queues - 1 (e.g. "RenderQueue0", "RenderQueue1" etc.) if undefined.
_priority Real The priority of the render queue. Defaults to 0.


Name Description
Name The name of the render queue. This can be useful for debugging purposes.
Priority The priority of the render queue. Render queues with lower priority come first in the array returned by bbmod_render_queues_get.


Name Description
ApplyMaterial Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ApplyMaterial command into the queue.
ApplyMaterialProps Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ApplyMaterialProps command into the queue.
BeginConditionalBlock Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.BeginConditionalBlock command into the queue.
CallFunction Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.CallFunction command into the queue.
CheckRenderPass Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.CheckRenderPass command into the queue.
DrawMesh Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMesh command into the queue.
DrawMeshAnimated Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMeshAnimated command into the queue.
DrawMeshBatched Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawMeshBatched command into the queue.
DrawSprite Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSprite command into the queue.
DrawSpriteExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteExt command into the queue.
DrawSpriteGeneral Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteGeneral command into the queue.
DrawSpritePart Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePart command into the queue.
DrawSpritePartExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePartExt command into the queue.
DrawSpritePos Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpritePos command into the queue.
DrawSpriteStretched Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteStretched command into the queue.
DrawSpriteStretchedExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteStretchedExt command into the queue.
DrawSpriteTiled Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteTiled command into the queue.
DrawSpriteTiledExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteTiledExt command into the queue.
EndConditionalBlock Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.EndConditionalBlock command into the queue.
PopGpuState Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.PopGpuState command into the queue.
PushGpuState Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.PushGpuState command into the queue.
ResetMaterial Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetMaterial command into the queue.
ResetMaterialProps Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetMaterialProps command into the queue.
ResetShader Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.ResetShader command into the queue.
SetGpuAlphaTestEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuAlphaTestEnable command into the queue.
SetGpuAlphaTestRef Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuAlphaTestRef command into the queue.
SetGpuBlendEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendEnable command into the queue.
SetGpuBlendMode Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendMode command into the queue.
SetGpuBlendModeExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendModeExt command into the queue.
SetGpuBlendModeExtSepAlpha Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuBlendModeExtSepAlpha command into the queue.
SetGpuColorWriteEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuColorWriteEnable command into the queue.
SetGpuCullMode Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuCullMode command into the queue.
SetGpuDepth Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuDepth command into the queue.
SetGpuFog Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuFog command into the queue.
SetGpuState Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuState command into the queue.
SetGpuTexFilter Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexFilter command into the queue.
SetGpuTexFilterExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexFilterExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMaxAniso Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxAniso command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMaxAnisoExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxAnisoExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMaxMip Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxMip command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMaxMipExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMaxMipExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMinMip Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMinMip command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMinMipExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMinMipExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipBias Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipBias command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipBiasExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipBiasExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipEnable command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipEnableExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipEnableExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipFilter Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipFilter command into the queue.
SetGpuTexMipFilterExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexMipFilterExt command into the queue.
SetGpuTexRepeat Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexRepeat command into the queue.
SetGpuTexRepeatExt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuTexRepeatExt command into the queue.
SetGpuZFunc Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZFunc command into the queue.
SetGpuZTestEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZTestEnable command into the queue.
SetGpuZWriteEnable Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetGpuZWriteEnable command into the queue.
SetMaterialProps Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetMaterialProps command into the queue.
SetProjectionMatrix Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetProjectionMatrix command into the queue.
SetSampler Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetSampler command into the queue.
SetShader Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetShader command into the queue.
SetUniformFloat Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat command into the queue.
SetUniformFloat2 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat2 command into the queue.
SetUniformFloat3 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat3 command into the queue.
SetUniformFloat4 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloat4 command into the queue.
SetUniformFloatArray Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformFloatArray command into the queue.
SetUniformInt Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt command into the queue.
SetUniformInt2 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt2 command into the queue.
SetUniformInt3 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt3 command into the queue.
SetUniformInt4 Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformInt4 command into the queue.
SetUniformIntArray Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformIntArray command into the queue.
SetUniformMatrix Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformMatrix command into the queue.
SetUniformMatrixArray Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetUniformMatrixArray command into the queue.
SetViewMatrix Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetViewMatrix command into the queue.
SetWorldMatrix Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SetWorldMatrix command into the queue.
SubmitRenderQueue Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SubmitRenderQueue command into the queue.
SubmitVertexBuffer Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.SubmitVertexBuffer command into the queue.
clear Clears the render queue.
destroy Frees memory used by the struct.
has_commands Checks whether the render queue has commands for given render pass.
is_empty Checks whether the render queue is empty.
set_priority Changes the priority of the render queue. Render queues with lower priority come first in the array returned by bbmod_render_queues_get.
submit Submits render commands.

See also

BBMOD_ERenderCommand, bbmod_render_queue_get_default

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