
A function defined in BBMOD_RenderQueue.gml

DrawSpriteGeneral(_sprite, _subimg, _left, _top, _width, _height, _x, _y, _xscale, _yscale, _rot, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _alpha)


Adds a BBMOD_ERenderCommand.DrawSpriteGeneral command into the queue.


Name Type Description
_sprite Asset.GMSprite The sprite to draw.
_subimg Real The sub-image of the sprite to draw.
_left Real The x position on the sprite of the top left corner of the area to draw.
_top Real The y position on the sprite of the top left corner of the area to draw.
_width Real The width of the area to draw.
_height Real The height of the area to draw.
_x Real The x coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
_y Real The y coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
_xscale Real The horizontal scaling of the sprite.
_yscale Real The vertical scaling of the sprite.
_rot Real The rotation of the sprite.
_c1 Constant.Color The color with which to blend the top left area of the sprite.
_c2 Constant.Color The color with which to blend the top right area of the sprite.
_c3 Constant.Color The color with which to blend the bottom right area of the sprite.
_c4 Constant.Color The color with which to blend the bottom left area of the sprite.
_alpha Real The alpha of the sprite.


Struct.BBMOD_RenderQueue Returns self.

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