
A constructor defined in BBMOD_DepthOfFieldEffect.gml

Extends BBMOD_PostProcessEffect

new BBMOD_DepthOfFieldEffect([_focusStart[, _focusEnd[, _autoFocus[, _autoFocusRange[, _autoFocusPoint[, _autoFocusFactor[, _blurRangeNear[, _blurRangeFar[, _blurScaleNear[, _blurScaleFar[, _bokehShape[, _sampleCount]]]]]]]]]]]])


Depth of field (post-processing effect).


Name Type Description
_focusStart Real Distance from the camera from which are objects completely in focus. Ignored if AutoFocus is enabled. Defaults to 100.
_focusEnd Real Distance from the camera to which are objects completely in focus. Ignored if AutoFocus is enabled. Defaults to 200.
_autoFocus Bool If true then focus distance is automatically computed from the depth buffer. Defaults to false.
_autoFocusRange Real When AutoFocus is enabled, FocusStart is computed as focus distance - AutoFocusRange * 0.5 and FocusEnd as focus distance + AutoFocusRange * 0.5. Defaults to 100.
_autoFocusPoint Struct.BBMOD_Vec2 Screen coordiate to sample the depth buffer at when AutoFocus is enabled. Use values in range (0, 0) (top left corner) to (1, 1) (bottom right corner). Defaults to (0.5, 0.5) (screen center) if undefined.
_autoFocusFactor Real Determines how fast the current focus distance lerps to the auto focus distance. Use values in range (0; 1], where values closer to 0 mean slowly and 1 means immediately. Defaults to 0.1.
_blurRangeNear Real Distance over which objects transition from completely in focus to competely out of focus in the near plane. Defaults to 50.
_blurRangeFar Real Distance over which objects transition from completely in focus to completely out of focus in the far plane. Defaults to 50.
_blurScaleNear Real The scale of the blur size in the near plane. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is full blur. Using values greater than 1 is possible but can produce visual artifacts. Defaults to 1.
_blurScaleFar Real The scale of the blur size in the far plane. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is full blur. Using values greater than 1 is possible but can produce visual artifacts. Defaults to 1.
_bokehShape Real Controls the shape of bokeh. Use values greater or equal to 3 for number of edges. Values lower than 3 result into a perfect circle. Defaults to 6 (hexagon).
_sampleCount Real Number of samples taken when rendering the depth of field. Greater values produce better looking results but decrease performance. Defaults to 32.


Name Description
AutoFocus If true then focus distance is automatically computed from the depth buffer. Default value is false.
AutoFocusFactor Determines how fast the current focus distance lerps to the auto focus distance. Use values in range (0; 1], where values closer to 0 mean slowly and 1 means immediately. Default value is 0.1.
AutoFocusPoint Screen coordiate to sample the depth buffer at when AutoFocus is enabled. Use values in range (0, 0) (top left corner) to (1, 1) (bottom right corner). Default value is (0.5, 0.5) (screen center).
AutoFocusRange When AutoFocus is enabled, FocusStart is computed as focus distance - AutoFocusRange * 0.5 and FocusEnd as focus distance + AutoFocusRange * 0.5. Default value is 100.
BlurRangeFar Distance over which objects transition from completely in focus to completely out of focus in the far plane. Default value is 50.
BlurRangeNear Distance over which objects transition from completely in focus to competely out of focus in the near plane. Default value is 50.
BlurScaleFar The scale of the blur size in the far plane. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is full blur. Using values greater than 1 is possible but can produce visual artifacts. Default value is 1.
BlurScaleNear The scale of the blur size in the near plane. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is full blur. Using values greater than 1 is possible but can produce visual artifacts. Default value is 1.
BokehShape Controls the shape of bokeh. Use values greater or equal to 3 for number of edges. Values lower than 3 result into a perfect circle. Default value is 6 (hexagon).
FocusEnd Distance from the camera to which are objects completely in focus. Ignored if AutoFocus is enabled. Default value is 200.
FocusStart Distance from the camera from which are objects completely in focus. Ignored if AutoFocus is enabled. Default value is 100.
SampleCount Number of samples taken when rendering the depth of field. Greater values produce better looking results but decrease performance. Default value is 32.

Inherited properties

Name Description
Enabled If true then the effect is enabled. Default value is true.
PostProcessor The post-processor to which is this effect added or undefined.

Inherited methods

Name Description
destroy Frees memory used by the struct.
draw Applies the effect to given surface.
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