
A constructor defined in BBMOD_PostProcessor.gml

Implements BBMOD_IDestructible

new BBMOD_PostProcessor()


Handles post-processing effects like color grading, chromatic aberration, grayscale effect, vignette and anti-aliasing.


Name Description
Antialiasing OBSOLETE Antialiasing technique to use. Use values from BBMOD_EAntialiasing. Defaults to BBMOD_EAntialiasing.None.
ChromaticAberration OBSOLETE The strength of the chromatic aberration effect. Use 0 to disable the effect. Defaults to 0.
ChromaticAberrationOffset OBSOLETE Chromatic aberration offsets for RGB channels. Defaults to (-1, 0, 1).
ColorGradingLUT OBSOLETE The lookup table texture used for color grading.
DesignHeight The height of the screen for which was the game designed or undefined. Effects are scaled based on this and the current height of the screen if not undefined. Default value is undefined.
DesignWidth The width of the screen for which was the game designed or undefined. Effects are scaled based on this and the current width of the screen if not undefined. Default value is 1366.
Effects An array of all effects added to the post-processor.
Enabled If true then the post-processor is enabled. Default value is true.
Grayscale OBSOLETE The strength of the grayscale effect. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 means the original color and 1 means grayscale. Defaults to 0.
LensDirt A lens dirt texture applied to effects like light bloom and lens flares. Default is BBMOD_SprLensDirt.
LensDirtStrength The intensity of the lens dirt effect. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is the maximum intensity. Default value is 1.
Rect The screen size and position.
Starburst A starburst texture applied to lens flares (when enabled). Default is BBMOD_SprLensFlareStarburst.
StarburstStrength The intensity of the starburst effect. Use values in range 0..1, where 0 is disabled and 1 is the maximum intensity. Default value is 1.
Vignette OBSOLETE The strength of the vignette effect. Defaults to 0.
VignetteColor OBSOLETE The color of the vignette effect. Defaults to c_black.


Name Description
add_effect Adds an effect to the post-processor.
destroy Frees memory used by the struct.
draw If enabled, draws a surface with post-processing applied, otherwise draws the original surface.
get_effect_scale Retrieves the current effect scale based on the current screen size and properties DesignWidth and DesignHeight.
remove_effect Removes an effect from the post-processor.

See also


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