
A constructor defined in BBMOD_Matrix.gml

new BBMOD_Matrix([_raw])


A matrix.


Name Type Description
_raw Array A raw GameMaker matrix. If undefined, then an identity matrix is created.


Name Description
Raw The underlying GameMaker matrix.


Name Description
AddComponentwise Adds each component of the matrix to corresponding component of other matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
AddComponentwiseSelf Adds each component of the matrix to corresponding component of other matrix and stores the result into self.
ApplyProjection Changes the current projeciton matrix to this one.
ApplyView Changes the view world matrix to this one.
ApplyWorld Changes the current world matrix to this one.
Clone Creates a clone of the matrix.
Copy Copies the matrix to another matrix.
Determinant Computes the determinant of the matrix.
FromArray Initializes the matrix from an array.
FromBuffer Initializes the matrix from a buffer.
FromColumns Initializes the matrix from columns.
FromLookAt Initializes a look-at matrix.
FromProjection Initializes the matrix using the current projection matrix.
FromRows Initializes the matrix from rows.
FromView Initializes the matrix using the current view matrix.
FromWorld Initializes the matrix using the current world matrix.
FromWorldViewProjection Initializes the matrix using the current world * view * projection matrix.
Inverse Creates a matrix that is inverse to this one.
InverseSelf Computes a matrix that is inverse to this one and stores it into self.
Mul Multiplies matrices and returns the result as a new matrix.
MulComponentwise Multiplies each component of the matrix with corresponding component of other matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
MulComponentwiseSelf Multiplies each component of the matrix with corresponding component of other matrix and stores the result into self.
MulSelf Multiplies matrices and stores the result into self.
RotateEuler Rotates the matrix using euler angles and returns the result as a new matrix.
RotateEulerSelf Rotates the matrix using euler angles and stores the result into self.
RotateQuat Rotates the matrix using a quaternion and returns the result as a new matrix.
RotateQuatSelf Rotates the matrix using a quaternion and stores the result into self.
RotateX Rotates the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
RotateXSelf Rotates the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self.
RotateY Rotates the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
RotateYSelf Rotates the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self.
RotateZ Rotates the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
RotateZSelf Rotates the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self.
Scale Scales the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
ScaleComponentwise Scales each component of the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
ScaleComponentwiseSelf Scales each component of the matrix and stores the result into self.
ScaleSelf Scales the matrix and returns the stores the result into self.
ScaleX Scales the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
ScaleXSelf Scales the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self.
ScaleY Scales the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
ScaleYSelf Scales the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self.
ScaleZ Scales the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
ScaleZSelf Scales the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self.
Set Sets matrix value at specific index.
SubComponentwise Subtracts each component of a matrix from corresponding component of this matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
SubComponentwiseSelf Subtracts each component of a matrix from corresponding component of this matrix and stores the result into self.
ToArray Writes the matrix into an array.
ToBuffer Writes the matrix into a buffer.
ToEuler Retrieves euler angles from the matrix.
Transform Transforms a vector by the matrix and returns the result as a new vector.
TransformOther Transforms a vector by the matrix and stores the result into the vector.
Translate Translates the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix.
TranslateSelf Translates the matrix and stores the result into self.
TranslateX Translates the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
TranslateXSelf Translates the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self.
TranslateY Translates the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
TranslateYSelf Translates the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self.
TranslateZ Translates the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix.
TranslateZSelf Translates the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self.
Transpose Creates a transpose of this matrix.
TransposeSelf Transposes this matrix in-place.
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