A constructor defined in BBMOD_Matrix.gml
new BBMOD_Matrix([_raw])
A matrix.
Name | Type | Description |
_raw | Array |
A raw GameMaker matrix. If undefined , then an identity matrix is created. |
Name | Description |
Raw | The underlying GameMaker matrix. |
Name | Description |
AddComponentwise | Adds each component of the matrix to corresponding component of other matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
AddComponentwiseSelf | Adds each component of the matrix to corresponding component of other matrix and stores the result into self . |
ApplyProjection | Changes the current projeciton matrix to this one. |
ApplyView | Changes the view world matrix to this one. |
ApplyWorld | Changes the current world matrix to this one. |
Clone | Creates a clone of the matrix. |
Copy | Copies the matrix to another matrix. |
Determinant | Computes the determinant of the matrix. |
FromArray | Initializes the matrix from an array. |
FromBuffer | Initializes the matrix from a buffer. |
FromColumns | Initializes the matrix from columns. |
FromLookAt | Initializes a look-at matrix. |
FromProjection | Initializes the matrix using the current projection matrix. |
FromRows | Initializes the matrix from rows. |
FromView | Initializes the matrix using the current view matrix. |
FromWorld | Initializes the matrix using the current world matrix. |
FromWorldViewProjection | Initializes the matrix using the current world * view * projection matrix. |
Inverse | Creates a matrix that is inverse to this one. |
InverseSelf | Computes a matrix that is inverse to this one and stores it into self . |
Mul | Multiplies matrices and returns the result as a new matrix. |
MulComponentwise | Multiplies each component of the matrix with corresponding component of other matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
MulComponentwiseSelf | Multiplies each component of the matrix with corresponding component of other matrix and stores the result into self . |
MulSelf | Multiplies matrices and stores the result into self . |
RotateEuler | Rotates the matrix using euler angles and returns the result as a new matrix. |
RotateEulerSelf | Rotates the matrix using euler angles and stores the result into self . |
RotateQuat | Rotates the matrix using a quaternion and returns the result as a new matrix. |
RotateQuatSelf | Rotates the matrix using a quaternion and stores the result into self . |
RotateX | Rotates the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
RotateXSelf | Rotates the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self . |
RotateY | Rotates the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
RotateYSelf | Rotates the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self . |
RotateZ | Rotates the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
RotateZSelf | Rotates the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self . |
Scale | Scales the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
ScaleComponentwise | Scales each component of the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
ScaleComponentwiseSelf | Scales each component of the matrix and stores the result into self . |
ScaleSelf | Scales the matrix and returns the stores the result into self . |
ScaleX | Scales the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
ScaleXSelf | Scales the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self . |
ScaleY | Scales the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
ScaleYSelf | Scales the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self . |
ScaleZ | Scales the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
ScaleZSelf | Scales the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self . |
Set | Sets matrix value at specific index. |
SubComponentwise | Subtracts each component of a matrix from corresponding component of this matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
SubComponentwiseSelf | Subtracts each component of a matrix from corresponding component of this matrix and stores the result into self . |
ToArray | Writes the matrix into an array. |
ToBuffer | Writes the matrix into a buffer. |
ToEuler | Retrieves euler angles from the matrix. |
Transform | Transforms a vector by the matrix and returns the result as a new vector. |
TransformOther | Transforms a vector by the matrix and stores the result into the vector. |
Translate | Translates the matrix and returns the result as a new matrix. |
TranslateSelf | Translates the matrix and stores the result into self . |
TranslateX | Translates the matrix on the X axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
TranslateXSelf | Translates the matrix on the X axis and stores the result into self . |
TranslateY | Translates the matrix on the Y axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
TranslateYSelf | Translates the matrix on the Y axis and stores the result into self . |
TranslateZ | Translates the matrix on the Z axis and returns the result as a new matrix. |
TranslateZSelf | Translates the matrix on the Z axis and stores the result into self . |
Transpose | Creates a transpose of this matrix. |
TransposeSelf | Transposes this matrix in-place. |
Copyright © 2025, BlueBurn. Built on January 04, 2025 using GMDoc.