A constructor defined in BBMOD_Node.gml

Implements BBMOD_IRenderable

new BBMOD_Node(_model)


A node, defined by its transformation, an array of indices of meshes that it draws from the model it belongs to and an array of child nodes.


Name Type Description
_model Struct.BBMOD_Model The model which contains this node.


Name Description
Children An array of child nodes.
Index The unique index of the node. If the node is a bone, its index must be less than the index of the first node that isn't a bone!
IsBone If true then the node is a bone. Defaults to false.
IsRenderable If true then the node or a node down the chain has a mesh. Defaults to false.
Meshes An array of mesh indices that the node draws from the model it belongs to.
Model The model which contains this node.
Name The name of the node. Defaults to an empty string.
Parent The parent of this node or undefined (default) if it's the root node of a model.
Transform The transformation of the node.
Visible Set to false to disable rendering of the node and its child nodes. Defaults to true.


Name Description
add_child Adds a child node.
clone Creates a clone of the node.
copy Copies node data into another node.
from_buffer Loads node data from a buffer following the BBMOD file format.
render Enqueues the node for rendering.
set_renderable Marks the node and nodes up the chain as renderable.
submit Immediately submits the node for rendering.
to_buffer Writes node data to a buffer following the current version of the BBMOD file format.

See also


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